Let’s Have A Stomper!

emilyThis video snippet introduces Emily (19) who was the filmmakers neighbour at the Occupy London St Paul’s site. In her transcript she says:

2011 wasn’t it? Earlier in the year I was at university. I was kinda mainly living in London.. and all the student … fees went up to £9000 and before then .. I  suppose I was watching documentaries and starting to look into more activism stuff but I wasn’t directly involved in anything and then we went on..
It was like this week.. I went on the demo that was about the raising of tuition fees and that was when they smashed in the building? The conservative headquarters. And it was just like this amazing feeling, being with loads of people who were all saying the same thing….and like realising you had a voice if you’re with other people.
You mean more together than you do on your own. So kind of like it spurred a passion for it I suppose. But really I had not done anything or been involved at all”


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